Wimbotsham carpenter to represent UK in WorldSkills finals
Wimbotsham carpenter Jack Goodrum will be heading off to Russia in August to represent the UK in a prestigious international competition.
Jack, 20, works for the family firm Peter Goodrum Ltd, which is named after his grandfather who set up the business in 1970 and which is now run by his father, Paul.
After winning regional and national competitions, Jack took part in team selection events and has now been chosen to represent the UK in the carpentry category at the WorldSkills final in Kazan.
Jack, a former student at the College of West Anglia, told the Lynn News: "I am really excited about taking part in this world competition. We will be given a plan for a project in advance, although they will make a change to the drawing again before the competition.
"At the moment I don't know what I will be asked to create, but usually competitions are to construct some form of roof structure. We have to draw up our project, which is marked, then cut and put it together. They are quite complex structures, perhaps with rafters placed at an angle and crossovers."
Jack started in the family firm in 2014 and left the college, where he completed his training, in 2017. He thanked the college and the family business for all their support which has helped him achieve his UK team place.
College principal David Pomfret said: “Jack’s success within the national and European legs of the WorldSkills finals is indictive of some of the highly-skilled students that are coming out of our college. We are delighted that he has been chosen to represent the UK on an international stage and we are excited to see what he will achieve at the WorldSkills finals in Kazan.”
More than 60 countries are sending elite teams to the Tatarstan Capital 800 km east of Moscow to compete for bronze, silver and gold in 56 different skills disciplines.