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Ryston woman seeking help to find beloved missing Hermann’s tortoise Dougal

A woman is appealing for help to find her pet tortoise of more than 20 years after he went missing at the weekend.

Lisa Maria Wenn, 51, lives in Ryston, near Downham, and her pet Hermann’s tortoise, Dougal, who is 26 years old, has disappeared from her garden – after last being seen in its hutch on Saturday morning.

There was a false alarm over the weekend when another lost tortoise was found, but unfortunately for Ms Wenn, it was not Dougal.

Dougal is a 26 year old Hermann's tortoise
Dougal is a 26 year old Hermann's tortoise

Ms Wenn said: “I went down on Saturday morning to feed him in the hutch and the hutch door was open and he was nowhere to be found.

“We searched for him but wondered if he had gone into the big wood behind where we live.

“He can travel quite a distance and I have rung some of the animal welfare places in case someone has popped him in.”

Dougal's owner Lisa Maria Wenn is appealing for help to find her missing tortoise
Dougal's owner Lisa Maria Wenn is appealing for help to find her missing tortoise

Ms Wenn, who has owned Dougal for 21 years, said her pet gives her comfort.

She said: “I know it’s only a tortoise and not a dog but he means so much to me.

“I have gone through a lot in five years and I have never ever lost him.

“Someone said do you think he’s been stolen but that hadn’t even crossed my mind.”

Ms Wenn has also appealed for help on Facebook and asks anyone who may find Dougal to contact the RSPCA or a veterinary sugery.

She said: “If anyone finds Dougal, I ask them just to contact me and take him to the nearest vets or animal sanctuary.

“I can go and check if it is him and I will recognise him.

“He will respond to me as I always stroke the top of his head and he lets me do it.

“I keep hoping now that the sun has come out, if he has buried himself under a bush it will entice him to come out and sunbathe.”

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