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Dersingham A149 caravan site, King's Lynn Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Truss and Sunak, abortion – Lynn News letters September 6


This is the wrong place for a caravan site

I read that the caravan site on the western side of the A149 bypass is to be extended.

Dersingham village sign.
Dersingham village sign.

This site is only just short of the flood plain and in 1953 the water stopped just short of Dersingham station.

Many years ago the the sea was up to the village, Dersingham was a fishing village and Castle Rising was a bigger port than Lynn.

Then in the 17th century there was a great flood, the sea came as far in as the church, but when it went out it went out to where it is today.

There is an old saying when land is taken from the sea some time the sea will take it back.

I personally think this is the wrong place for a caravan site.

Dick Melton



My wife is now free of cancer

Thank you for publishing my letter in Viewpoint on August 30 concerning my wife’s battle against cancer, going back three tempestuous years and a near fatal car crash.

September 1 was a new month and a fresh start for Chrissy when she was informed by the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Lynn that her latest operation was a complete success, with no further surgery required.

It was a new beginning for both of us and we would like to thank Lynn News readers, family and the community at large for their prayers and support.

Space doesn’t permit a list of names, such is Chrissy’s popularity, but our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the surgeon Hilary Turnbull and her team at Norfolk and Norwich Hospital for saving her life.

David Fleming


Liz Truss will become the next prime minister after victory in the Tory leadership contest (Rob Pinney/PA)
Liz Truss will become the next prime minister after victory in the Tory leadership contest (Rob Pinney/PA)


What will they do with that wallpaper?

Among the hundreds of questions put to Truss and Sunak during the hustings, has anyone yet asked, if either becomes PM, what they intend to do about the wallpaper inflicted by Carrie?

Will its removal and replacement be on the agenda? And if so who, will by paying?

Sally Turff


MP Stephen Barclay poses for a photograph in 10 Downing Street. Picture by Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street.
MP Stephen Barclay poses for a photograph in 10 Downing Street. Picture by Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street.


Statements beggar belief

The pathetic statements being punted out by the Government regarding the possibility of an ‘announcement’ about the new hospital in Lynn beggars belief.

Their interminable hand-wringing and prevarication merely demonstrates their poor grip on the reality of our situation.

Building a new hospital isn’t an option, it’s an unavoidable imperative. The current one is falling over and health secretary Stephen Barclay has visited and seen it.

Hospital bosses “remain hopeful” of an announcement of funding. Perhaps in October they say, and while I’m hopeful too I cannot imagine why this pantomime of weasel words continues to drag on.

Meanwhile, to sooth our fevered brows we’ve been offered a chance to scan over proposed sketches of the proposed car park for our proposed new hospital and while I’m sure this multi-story edifice will be a huge boon to visitors, staff and patients alike, I’m assuming the car-parking fees will still be as crippling as they are in the current one.

Charging staff, visitors and patients for parking has always been controversial and clearly adds to the burden and stress of already sick and worried patients and families.

While I can understand health authorities’ desire to screw every last penny out of their clients I do wonder if they realise how faffing about looking for spaces, looking for functioning meters and figuring out how many hours (or days) you might be there adds to the anxiety surrounding a hospital visit?

Charging for hospital parking should not be happening but while we’re still awaiting the nail-biting “yes or no” decision from the bigwigs regarding the actual hospital I reckon fretting about a new car park is akin to putting a shiny new cart before the very knackered old horse.

Steve Mackinder


Road sign 30mph speed limit.
Road sign 30mph speed limit.


Most bikers do drive carefully

I’d like to agree with the observations made by your regular correspondent Steve Mackinder regarding the standard of driving on our local roads.

It’s very “wanting”, not to say on occasions, completely reckless and extremely dangerous.

Steve pointed out the danger many of us pose to motorbikers in that we don’t take enough time to look out for those type of vehicles when pulling out of side roads.

Most bikers ride with the headlights on which helps us to notice them. Their mode of transport being smaller dimensionally in outline, a light coming towards you , immediately draws your attention. I’ve seen many motorcycle instructors with their pupils carrying out this safe practice when out and about, and I’m certain the vast majority of those pupils that pass their test always ride in a safe and appropriate manner.

But as Steve pointed out, some bikers don’t. I’ve just had four ride down my road on loud powerful bikes, well in excess of the 30mph speed limit, totally ignoring the speed indicator recording device fitted to the 30 mph post just outside my home (this is moved around our villages to different locations by a dedicated parish Ccouncil vice-chair).

But hopefully those ignoring it, mostly local car drivers, will prompt an enforcement presence by Norfolk Police, but I shan’t be holding my breath!

George Wood


Liz Truss will be the next PM (59097148)
Liz Truss will be the next PM (59097148)


Deportation to Rwanda is so very callous

The announcement of the next Prime Minister wasn’t the only thing happening on September 5. It was also the day we take the Government back to court over their brutal Rwanda policy.

West Norfolk has always been welcoming. We treat each other with compassion. That’s why our community should be appalled that the Government is choosing to threaten victims of war, torture and persecution with the callousness of deportation to Rwanda, especially when there are more humane options available that would comply with the international human right to claim asylum.

Like many others in West Norfolk, I have regularly donated to refugee causes and I have witnessed how so many people in our community have responded with kindness as the shocking crises in countries like Syria, Afghanistan and Ukraine have unfolded in recent years. We’ve welcomed asylum seekers with compassion, as our new neighbours. Now we need to respond in a similar way to stop innocent refugees being deported to Rwanda.

We must show the Government just how many of us think the Rwanda plan is inhumane. I am writing to you today to lend my voice to the #StopRwanda campaign and urge you to do the same.

By calling on our local MP to #StopRwanda, you can make a huge impact.

We urgently need people to show support for charities like Care4Calais and campaigns like Stand Up to Racism who are challenging the Rwanda policy.

Susan Cox

via email


He’s just a keyboard warrior

Steve Mackinder refers to Sheridan Payne as an anti abortion campaigner. He’s not.

He’s just a keyboard warrior who feels he’s entitled to criticise and condemn women who want the right to choose what they do with their body.

Jo Rust

via email

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