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River Great Ouse plays host to West Norfolk rowers between Littleport and Queen Adelaide

West Norfolk Rowing Club members joined rowers from around the region racing in the annual autumn Ely Head on Sunday.

Visiting members are familiar with the Denver end of the River Great Ouse but, even though the sun was shining, the 5 km straight stretch of river between Littleport and Queen Adelaide always seems to be the windiest place.

All racing crews faced a noticeable cross-wind and competed against the flow of the river.

WNRC W.J17.2x Rhianna Clayton and Sophie Parle
WNRC W.J17.2x Rhianna Clayton and Sophie Parle

This racing event is organised by Isle of Ely Rowing Club, with distance time trials for all ages and experience, in categories from single sculls to eights.

West Norfolk were represented by a junior double crew, a masters women’s double crew, and a masters single.

WNRC W.MasF.2x Liz Palmer and Helen Pryer
WNRC W.MasF.2x Liz Palmer and Helen Pryer

The W.J17.2x crew of Sophie Parle and Rhianna Clayton coped extremely well with the choppy, gusty conditions and completed the course in a good time of 28.35mins.

Helen Pryer, who crewed the Masters F Women's double with Liz Palmer, said: “The last 500m seemed very long" but they finished second in their category with a time of 25.48mins and were justly pleased with their result.

WNRC W.J17.2x crew at Ely
WNRC W.J17.2x crew at Ely

WN member, Matty Parle, rowing in a Masters B single scull for the Royal Air Force, completed the 5km course with a very admirable time of 25.05mins, only four seconds behind his class winner from St Neots Rowing Club.

Club supporters appeared along the course to cheer on their WNRC friends, and their presence and help with rigging and launching, along with essential trailer driver, Doug, was much appreciated by the competing crews.

Matty Parle at Ely
Matty Parle at Ely

Rowing at WNRC continues throughout the year, and the club welcomes new members.

The club’s volunteer coaches don't plan to run beginners’ Learn to Row courses until next Spring, but some adult taster sessions may be available.

WNRC W.MasF.2x crew at Ely
WNRC W.MasF.2x crew at Ely

For further information, please visit: wnrc.club@gmail.com

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