Discover Downham Heritage Centre, Old Fire Station, Priory Road, holding Christmas Crafts and Dickens’ A Christmas Carol
The volunteers at the Discover Downham Heritage Centre, The Old Fire Station, Priory Road, say they have hit the ground running this year.
Working hard to rebuild community links after Covid restrictions forced them to shut their doors in 2020 and reduce their activities last year, the team got off to a flying start with their latest exhibition about the history of schools in Downham, titled: Best Years of your Life? It has attracted a record number of visitors and proved so popular that it has been extended to March 2023.
A research team is already busy putting together the next exhibition, which will follow at the end of March and is concerned with the railway and how it helped to shape the town.
Numerous children’s workshops have been delivered (pictured), mixing local history with craft activities and story-telling.
The Halloween workshops included ‘mummy races’.
There is still time to book your children onto the final workshop of the year, which will be a fun afternoon of Christmas Crafts, on Saturday, December 3.
Organised by Sue Wilkinson, it will cost £2 per child (must be accompanied by a responsible adult). Email
The regular quiz nights and society monthly meetings have been very well supported.
The last quiz for this year will be December 7, and there will be a Christmas-themed coffee morning on December 16.
On December 21 actor and raconteur, Jim Stebbings, will be giving his talk, Sentiments of Christmas. Discover Downham will have its own decorated tree in the courtyard.
Discover Downham is also used by other local groups for their activities (check the website, including a live theatre performance of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, on Saturday, December 17, hosted by Downham Market Arts.
Discover Downham is a charity and relies on its activities and donations to support its work. If you would like to contribute, they have put together a 2023 calendar showing scenes of old Downham, selected from the Centre’s archive. It can be purchased from the front desk for £6.
Volunteers will also be manning a stall, selling the calendars, in the Town Hall on December 1 as part of the Twilight Shopping Event (4-8pm).