Much Ado About Murder at Thornham Village Hall grounds on August 31 by the Heartbreak Theatre Company
There will be an unforgettable outdoor performance of “Much Ado About Murder” by the Heartbreak Theatre Company at Thornham Village Hall grounds on Wednesday, August 31.
A professional company, this will be their fifth visit to Norfolk. Don your detective cap and join them for some super silly detective work.
This is an original murder mystery where five suspects are set under the spotlight, and it will depend on the audience to find the answers to the following questions.
Who was lurking in a corridor carrying a candlestick? When did the third gunshot go off – before or after the very silly song? And probably most importantly, why didn’t you pack a larger picnic?
Answers to these and other equally important questions will only be uncovered as in Much Ado About Murder (an original mystery by Heartbreak Productions).
It will be performed out of doors, so check the weather, dress appropriately and bring a picnic (if wet performed in the hall). Venue is Thornham Village Hall, Thornham, PE36 6LX.
Tickets: £12.50 adult, £7.50 child or £30 family ticket (two adults plus two children) and these can be bought from Witley Newsagents, High Street Hunstanton or at the door.
Gates will open at 6.30pm, performance starts at 7.30. Refreshments available, enquiries to the HDFA (Hunstanton & District Festival of Arts ) on 01485 533933.