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King's Lynn Fairstead school and Holkham benefit from charity Classical Music Rocks which Norfolk MP James Wild visits

Registered charity Classical Music Rocks (CMR) hopes to introduce 8,000 local children to classical music during a two-year window by the end of 2023.

CMR thanked leading donor, The Postcode Places Trust, “whose generous support has transformed our ability to work across more schools in West Norfolk and beyond”. It has also received help from the Foyle Foundation and appreciated the zoom visit by James Wild, MP for North West Norfolk last month.

CMR stated: “As we move into 2023, it is pleasing to report that we now expect to achieve – in 2022/2023 – 8,000 child contacts with our in person school visits, adding a further 4,000 or more with our new multi school zooms. Our programmes of Introductions to Classical Music are very well received everywhere.”

Holkham Hall
Holkham Hall

Highlights in 2022 have included CMR being invited for the first time to Fairstead school, Lynn, entertained by a flautist, pianist and soprano.

Due to the kindness of the Earl of Leicester, a trio of CMR musicians delivered workshops to 200 children at Holkham.

“CMR is committed to engage also with the very large number of adults who would not normally attend a concert of classical music. A number of concerts have been held in churches with free entry for under-21s and at low cost to adults.

“We have worked with local charities including Save the Children Fund and have built links with music organisations across Norfolk.

“Accessing classical music is becoming increasingly difficult, especially to those lacking the financial means or to the most vulnerable and isolated. In 2023/24 our ambition is to extend our reach across and beyond Norfolk.”

The whole programme costs about £25,000 per year at a rough cost of £2 per visit per child.

Thus extensive sponsorship is needed: contact cmrwestnorfolk@gmail.com if you have any queries, or want to help.

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