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Review of King’s Lynn Festival Chorus’ performance of Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle: Joyous and uplifting rendition of rarely-heard work

Reviewer Andy Tyler shares his thoughts on King’s Lynn Festival Chorus’ performance of Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle…

It was an inspired choice by the King’s Lynn Festival Chorus to perform Rossini’s rarely heard ‘Petite Messe Solennelle’ at St Nicholas’ Chapel on Sunday.

The Mass was composed towards the end of the composer’s life, and described by him as “the final sin of my old age”.

King's Lynn Festival Chorus performed Rossini’s ‘Petite Messe Solennelle’ at St Nicholas’ Chapel
King's Lynn Festival Chorus performed Rossini’s ‘Petite Messe Solennelle’ at St Nicholas’ Chapel

It was first performed in 1846 and was well-received in its original, chamber version.

The Festival Chorus used the version for chorus, soloists, two pianos and accordion, not the uninspired orchestral one.

Rossini’s setting of the Mass is theatrical and operatic generally, although there are more serious passages, set in a traditional way.

The work includes some jaunty and catchy melodies not normally associated with religious choral works, but this just adds to the charm of the piece!

Under popular conductor Ben Horden we enjoyed a joyous and uplifting rendering of the work, coping well with the pieces’s contrasts, both dynamic and emotional.

The chorus was on top form, the soloists, Hilary Cronin (soprano), Emma Roberts (mezzo), Zahid Siddiqui (tenor) and Dan D’Souza (baritone) sang with bravado and beauty and the work’s originality enhanced by the contributions of Ian Tindale and Ella O’Neill on pianos and Ben De Souza on accordion, their accompanying and solo roles much appreciated!

Congratulations to all involved in the success of the concert, Fauré’s Requiem is next to be performed on, Saturday, November, 23, starting at 7pm. To learn more about the Chorus visit: kingslynnfestivalchorus.co.uk

Review by Andy Tyler

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