Exhibition at Downham Market Village Hall to show what wildlife is living on our doorstep
You will be amazed at the wildlife living on your doorstep at a new public display of artwork in town.
Downham Wildlife Group has organised a ‘Wild Downham Market’ photographic exhibition of wildlife in the town.
The pieces of work will be on show at the town hall on Saturday from 10am-2pm.
The event is a terrific way for people to learn about local wildlife in the area and to meet local people who can offer advice and guidance and a chance to join the group.
Centered around a local naturalist, Dave McGough, many nearby wildlife groups will also be exhibiting including Nar Valley Ornithological Society, Rachel's Ryston Hedgehogs, Martha's Meadow, Nigel's Nature Walks, Nature Volunteer Network, Friends of the Earth, West Norfolk Swift Group, Toad Patrol, Save Our Swifts Swallows, Sand and House martins as well as Downham Wildlife Group.
Entry is free and refreshments will be available.