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Touching memoir by Lynn paperboy

A former Lynn paperboy has released a touching memoir of his time growing up in the area and later, through the Second World War as a bombadier in the 77th Battalion.

Memoir of a Cheeky Chap is a book by 88-year-old John Pells, who now lives in Leicestershire but still remembers the town with fondness.

Mr Pell said: “I remember hearing about the war being declared on the wireless. Men coming round with gas masks, the air raid shelters and the sirens. Lots of planes flying overhead. I remember the bombing of the Victoria Pub, The Eagle Hotel, the grammar school. Many of my friends lost their parents when the Eagle was bombed.

“The nearest I came to getting hurt was when German planes machine gunned the boats in the fishing fleet. My Dad told me to lay down in the cabin. Many bullets went into the deck and mast.

“The other time when they bombed the Victoria Pub, I lived in George Street then and we were in our table shelter and bits of wood and glass came into the side from the blast of the bombing.”

A student at St James’ school in London Road and Gaywood Park High School, Mr Pells worked paper rounds for Biggs Paper Shop and Frances Grocery Shop while also helping to collect samphire form the Terrington Marshes as a youngster. Later working at Campbell’s Soups and British Sugar among other roles.

Memoir of a Cheeky Chap is available to purchase on the February 28.

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