What’s On - April 27 to May 3
LYNN: Greyfriars Art Space, St James Street: Until April 28, 10am-4pm (closed Sundays), mixed media exhibition by members to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the art space, free admission, everyone welcome. Tim Clayton Jewellery, Chapel Street: Until May 31, Monday to Saturday 9am-5pm, spring exhibition, a collection of paintings of local interest, free admission. Groundwork Gallery, Purfleet Street:
Until June 2, TrashArt, exhibition of sculpture and assemblages by Jan Eric Visser; based in Rotterdam, Visser sees the value and potential beauty in the waste from his household and all the paper and card, plastic packaging and local newsprint which comes in through the front door, becomes transformed in his studio into sculptural forms; Upstairs gallery at GroundWork includes works about waste, landfill, plastics by Henry Bragg and Gina Glover. Town Hall:
Stories of Lynn, open daily 10am to 4.30pm, £3.95 adult, £2.95 concessions, £1.95 child, £9.80 family; regular guided tours.
Lynn Museum:
Until June 2018 (closed Sunday, Monnday, Tuesday), Shoes! Using shoes from museum collections, this special exhibition explores changes in footwear from the 13th century to the present day.HOLKHAM: Holkham Hall: Sundays, Monday and Thursdays until October 31, Treasures and Trophies: The Making of a Gentleman and a Great House, exhibition catalogues the young life of Thomas Coke, creator of Holkham Hall, and his Grand Tour; opportunities for visitor interaction, admission included in a visit to the hall. HOUGHTON: Houghton Hall:
Until July 15, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays, Colour Space paintings and outdoor sculptures by Damien Hirst including works never seen before in public, in the state rooms and in the grounds of the hall.
LYNN: Tuesday Market Place and town centre: Tuesday, noon, King’s Morris dancing and May Garland procession and celebrations. Corn Exchange: Saturday, from 9am, traditional fleamarket, £1.50 admission (under 16s free), many stalls. Trues Yard Museum: Saturday, 10am-3pm, in collaboration with the Vancouver Quarter, family activities linked to creatures of the sea; dress up, make a jelly fish and find out about how to recycle some plastic, free admission. Norfolk Arena, Saddlebow Road:
Saturday, 5.30pm, stock car racing, Formula One and saloons. Lynn library: Saturdays, 2-4pm, games time, including Trivial Pursuit, Mexican Train and Dobble; Saturdays, 11am-noon, just a cuppa, meet new friends: Mondays, 2.30-3.30pm, just a cuppa; Mondays and Thursdays, 10-10.30am, baby bounce and rhyme; Tuesday, 10.30-noon, colour yourself calm; Wednesday, 10-noon, Scrabble Club; Thursday, 10am-noon, Trivial Pursuit session. Gaywood library: Fridays, 2-4pm, colouring in good company; Friday, 10am-noon, knit and natter; Saturdays, 10am-noon, chess club, chess sets provided or bring your own; Mondays, 10am-noon, just a cuppa, small donation; Mondays, 10am-noon, scrabble club; Tuesdays, 10-10.30am, baby bounce and rhyme; Thursdays, 7pm, Fenland Computer Club. DERSINGHAM: Dersingham library: Monday, 1.30-3pm, scrabble club; Monday, 5.45-6.45pm, crime book club, new members always welcome; Tuesday, 1-3pm, peer support group for families and carers, led by the Alzheimer’s Society; Wednesday, 10.30am-noon, colour yourself calm; Wednesdays, 2-3pm, jigsaw club; Thursday, 10.30-noon, knit and natter, all abilities welcome. Thursdays, 10-10.30am, baby bounce and rhyme. DOCKING: Ripper Hall: Wednesday, 9am-1pm, craft and produce market, cafe open. DOWNHAM: Downham library: Friday, 10am-noon, brew and banter, a chat over tea or coffee, 50p donation suggested; Monday, 1.30-2.30pm, talak on the history of Oxburgh Hall, tickets £3, payable on booking on 01366 383073, refreshments included; Tuesday, 10.30-11.30am, mini movers for pre-school chhildren to encourage movement to music and songs and develop numeracy and literacy skills, book on 01366 383073; Wednesday, 10.30-11.30am, yoga for kids, for pre-school children from two years upwards, £3 each, must book on 01366 383073; Wednesday, 1.30-3pm, knit and natter; Thursdays, 10-10.30am, baby bounce and rhyme; Thursdays, 1.30-3.30pm, active minds, puzzles, board games and colouring.FAKENHAM: Market Square: Saturday, 8.30am-noon, farmers’ market selling produce and craftware; Fakenham library: Thursday, 2-3pm, Thursday Club, get together for a cuppa and a chat. FLITCHAM: Community Centre: Fridays, 9.30-11.30am, coffee morning, £1.50. HUNSTANTON: Hunstanton library: Fridays, 10.30-11.30am, just a cuppa; Fridays, 2-3pm, the library lads, make friends, card and board games, enjoy a cuppa; Saturdays, 10.30am-12.30pm, new Chess Club; Mondays, 2-2.30pm, baby bounce and rhyme; Monday, 10.30am-noon, colour yourself calm; Monday, 2.30pm, book club: Tuesdays, 2-3pm, board games sessions: Wednesdays, job help sessions, book a 30-minute session with staff on 01485 532280.; SANDRINGHAM: Visitors Centre: Saturday, noon, Model T Ford rally, spectators welcome. WEREHAM: Village Hall: Fridays, 10am-noon (term times), Wereham Tots parent and toddler support group, 01366 500115. Tuesdays, 2-4pm, short mat bowls, £2 per player, spectators/supporters free, all welcome.
CLENCHWARTON: Memorial Hall:
Saturday, 2pm, RSPCA jumble sale, 30p, children free, 01366 383751
HILGAY: Good Companions:
Tuesday, 7.30pm, cash bingo.
HUNSTANTON: Community Centre, Avenue Road; Friday, 7-10pm, social dance in aid of East Anglian Air Ambulance, refreshments and hot drinks available but please bring your own drinks/wine and glasses, tickets £5, raffle tickets £2, contact 07787966000. NARBOROUGH: Community Centre:
Friday, 7.45pm, bingo, for funds.
NORDELPH: Village Hall:
Friday, 7pm, bingo, in aid of hall funds, Daphne: 01366 324213.
ST GERMANS: Memorial Hall:
Friday, 7.30pm, bingo, 01553 617550.
SNETTISHAM: Memorial Hall:
Friday, 7.30pm, bingo, in aid of hall funds.
The Paddocks:
Tuesday, 7.30pm, charity bingo.
Salvation Army Centre, Alma Road:
Thursday, 10am-noon, Salvation Army coffee morning and stalls.
SOUTH RUNCTON: Wallington Hall: Saturday, 11am-1pm equestrian table top sale in aid of the Magpie Centre West Norfolk Riding for the Disabled group, setting up from 10am, £7 per pitch, admission £1, children free, barbecue, tea and coffee served all day, no dogs (guide dogs only), more information contact 01553 828935. STOKE FERRY: Village Hall:
Sunday 6.30 for 7.30pm, cash bingo in aid of hall funds.
SWAFFHAM: Assembly Rooms:
Friday, 9am-2pm, indoor market, free entry, 01760 725499, in conjunction with Iceni Partnership to raise funds for town events.
Saturday, 7pm, charity bingo.
TILNEY ST LAWRENCE: Village Hall: Saturday, 10am-noon, jumble sale in aid of the Apple Tree Rabbit Sanctuary. WEREHAM: Village Hall:
Sunday, 9am-1pm, car boot sale and cafe, bacon rolls, teas and coffee served, 01366 501330; Wednesday, 7.30pm, bingo, in aid of hall funds, 01366 500798.
WEST WINCH: William Burt Centre:
Thursday, 8pm, bingo, non-members to pay £1.
meetings & talks
LYNN: Town Hall:
Friday, 6.30pm, lecture by Dr Clive Bond, Fellow in Archaeology at University of Winchester and chairman of West Norfolk Archaeological Society, on Seahenge - West Norfolk communities in the Bronze Age and their beliefs, proceeds to the RNLI, tickets £6 from Lynn TIC, 01553 763046, refreshments available. Gaywood church rooms:
Wednesday, from 7.30pm, CJ Dance classes for beginners and beginners-plus, 077952 00805; Monday, 1.30-3.30pm, Breathe Easy Group meeting for those with lung condtions, also for theirpartners and carers, no entrance fee.
Reffley Community Centre:
Wednesday, 10am-noon, Reffley Art Group, all welcome.
Ferry Lane Social Club; Wednesday, 8.30pm, Renaissance Singles social club.
Providence Street Community Centre:
Wednesday, 7-9pm, Fenland Ukeleles (Flukes) group, beginners welcome, tuition available. 12th Scout Hut, Beulah Street:
Sunday, 1-6pm, King’s Lynn Roleplay and Wargames Club, all ages welcome, 07704 161890.
DOWNHAM: Methodist Church Hall:
Tuesday, 7.30pm Downham Singers, all welcome;
Thursday, 7.30pm, Singers Inspired Capella Choir, all welcome.
FAKENHAM: Masonic Hall:
Tuesday, 7.30pm, Fakenham and District Flower Club, £2, £5 non-members, 01328 851733 or 01328 700421.
GRIMSTON: Village Hall:
Friday, 7pm, Lynn Model Railway Club.
Thursday, 7.30pm, Lynn Amateur Radio Club.
SOUTH WOOTTON: Village Hall:
Wednesday, 2pm, West Norfolk Flower Club.
STOKE FERRY: All Saints’ Academy:
Thursday, 10.30am, coffee morning;
Thursday, 12, lunch club, £4, must be booked Tuesday before on 01366 500704.
STOW BRIDGE: Village Hall:
Wednesday, 7.30pm, Jive survivors dance group, 01553 617392;
Thursday, from 7.30pm, CJ Dance classes for beginners and beginners-plus, 077952 00805.
Sunday, 7.30-10.30pm, Jive survivors dance group, 01553 617392. WALPOLE CROSS KEYS: Jephson Hall: Thursdays, 8pm, Misfit Molly Dancers, all welcome. WEREHAM: Village Hall: Thursday, 7-9pm, new summer sessions for short mat bowls. WEST WINCH: William Burt Centre: Monday, 7.30pm, Lynn Camera Club annual meeting.
LYNN: St Faith’s Church,. Gaywood: Friday, 7pm, the Bishop of Lynn will perform as a guest soloist in a variety concert with local young singers, tickets £7 each (or £10 for two), available on the door.
Corn Exchange: Friday, 7.30pm, Shalamar live on stage, £36; Thursday, 7.30pm, Menopause The Musical (16-plus), £29. DENVER: St Mary’s Church: Sunday, 2.30pm, King’s Lynn Town Band in concert, tickets £7 to include light refreshments, also a raffle, proceeds to go the Town Band and St Mary’s Church, tickets from 01366 386203/381366/388319. HUNSTANTON: Princess Theatre: Sunday, 7.30pm, Martine McCutcheon and her musicians in concert, £28: Tuesday, 7.30pm, cinema showing of Stronger (15), club members £3.50, non-members £6.50, non-member concessions £5.50. SNETTISHAM: St Mary’s Church: Thursday, 7.30pm, recital by young award-winning violinist Joo Yeon Sir, accompanied by Russian pianist Irina Andrievsky, including works by Paganini, Grieg and Vaughan Williams, tickets £10 (students under 21 years admitted free), from Lynn Corn Exchange or The Grapes Gallery, Snettisham.
WEST ACRE: Westacre Theatre: Friday, 7.30pm, Feast present an adaption of the Jeremy Page novel, Salt, £16.
walks & tours
LYNN: Trues Yard Fisherfolk Museum: Wednesday, 2pm, first of the regular summer guided walks around the towwn’s old fishing quarter of the North End .
Norfolk Area Ramblers’ Association, Lynn Group (info@kingslynnramblers.org): Saturday, 10am, 7.5 miles, Ringstead and around, led by Paul, 01485 578218; Sunday, 9.30am, 14 miles, Sandringham, Anmer, Shernborne, led by Bill, 01485 544579: Tuesday, 10am, six miles, Castle Acre, led by Sheila, 01553 673518: Wednesday, 1.30pm, 3.3 miles, Swaffham, circular, led by Alan, 01760 720070; Thursday, 10am.five miles, Beachamwell, led by Hazel and John, 01366 385772.
West Norfolk Walking for Health: Walks co-ordinator Mick Donoghue 078577 17768. Friday, 10.30am, Church Farm, Bawsey, three miles, grade three walk, farm tracks; Monday, 10.30am, Courtyard Farm Ringstead, 3.8 miles, grade three walk, fields and tracks; Monday, 10.30am, Lynn ferry, meet at Corn Exchange, roads, paths and riverside.
TWALK, Denver and Downham walk and talk group: Walks start at 10am. Contact Ken: 01366 382310. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, meet outside Denver Village Hall; Wednesday and Friday, meet outside Downham Library. HOLKHAM: Holkham nature reserve: Saturday, 5.30-7.30am, dawn chorus walks on the reserve with the wardens, £5 per person, places are limited so booking is essential on 01328 713111 (dawn chorus walk also on May 5). Wells: Beach Cafe: Tuesday, 10am, walking women, walks last about one-and-a-half hours, well-behaved dogs on leads welcome; Wednesday, 10am, Wednesday walkies for dog owners.