To help theatres get through the cost of living crisis, The National Lottery is teaming up with venues to offer players £25 off their next show.
Eight million homes are to get an extra £300 this spring to help them with the cost of living and the DWP has now comfirmed its payment dates.
An asteroid, big enough to wipe out a city, is expected to come so close to Earth there's a chance of seeing it with binoculars.
Is it the poodle or the pug who is most popular on Instagram or does the border collie or bulldog have the biggest social media presence?
Broadband fees are shooting up for millions of customers in April but how much extra will you pay and is it possible to avoid the new charges?
Supermarket own-brand items have some of the biggest price rises in the last year, suggests new analysis of more than 25,000 food and drink items.
The cost of living crisis is forcing increasing numbers of drivers to take their cars off the road to avoid high running costs, suggests a new report.
Loud sirens will be triggered on mobile phones in April in a test of the UK's new emergency alerts system but how will it work and can you switch off?
With spelling help available at the touch of a button, which words in the English language do we most commonly ask for Google's help with?
Passport staff have announced an extensive strike which the PCS union says will have a 'significant impact' on the delivery of passports.
England is one hot dry spell away from a drought, warn experts, as fears grow that hosepipe bans will soon return without more rain this spring.
With Cadbury announcing it is discontinuing a chocolate in its Easter range we take a look at 11 other bars we've loved and lost over the years.
An Easter egg hunt bag has been recalled by a high street shop over undeclared ingredients in the sweets that could be dangerous to allergy sufferers.
Drivers using pay-at-pump petrol stations could now have £120 of their money ring-fenced in pre-authorisation checks, which is leaving some angry.
The first special stamps to carry the silhouette of King Charles have been released by the Royal Mail.
Cold and flu remedies are being withdrawn from pharmacies over health fears and here's the full list of medicines experts are saying to avoid.
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has a plan to get parents back to work, but it won't work, writes Lauren Abbott.
Cat owners must microchip their pets by law or face a hefty fine under new rules and here's how long households have to abide by the new law.
Alerts, which trigger loud sirens on mobile phones and tablets, are expected to soon be tested across the UK as the system gets ready for roll-out.
The cost of an NHS prescription is to rise from April 1 along with the charges for pre-payment certificates and here's what you'll soon need to pay.