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West Norfolk's new mayor follows father's lead

West Norfolk’s new mayor followed in family footsteps as he took up the historic civic role.

Nick Daubney’s nomination for the post was confirmed during the borough council’s annual meeting, held at Lynn town hall on Thursday evening.

His father, Les, served as mayor in the 1980s and established the annual Mayor’s Business Awards during his term.

Mr Daubney, who will be supported by his wife Cheryl as mayoress, has been a councillor since 1999 and was its deputy leader for four years and leader for nine before standing down in 2016.

He said: “As I step into the shoes of previous mayors including my father, I am aware that I have watched with some awe the way my predecessors have approached this civic role.”

Paying tribute to the outgoing mayor and consort, Carol and Simon Bower, he added: “I know others will thank Carol and Simon more formally, but one word sums up the year, magnificent.”

In a new innovation, Mr Daubney appointed a police cadet in addition to the traditional appointment of a mayoral sea and air cadet.

He joked: “Rumour has it, I need to be watched carefully.

“I am appreciative to the police for allowing this great privilege.

“We are rightly proud of our young people and I thank them for this service.”

Accepting his office, Mr Daubney’s deputy mayor, Geoff Hipperson, said: “The opportunity to meet many more of our diverse and fascinating residents representing the mayor and the council is an honour I did not think would come my way.”

He thanked his predecessor, Jim Moriarty, for his advice about the role and said he would be “an extremely hard act to follow.”

Traditionally, the deputy mayor chairs the Mayor’s Charity committee, which will raise funds for the Purfleet Trust and Night Shelter.

Mayormaking Ceremony for King's Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council at The Town Hall Mayor Nick Daubney Outgoing Mayor Carol Bower and Consort Simon Bower (1951854)
Mayormaking Ceremony for King's Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council at The Town Hall Mayor Nick Daubney Outgoing Mayor Carol Bower and Consort Simon Bower (1951854)

Retiring borough mayor Carol Bower said it had been “an enormous honour” to represent West Norfolk during her year in office after stepping down at Thursday’s annual meeting.

She paid to her husband Simon, who acted as her consort, her deputy Jim Moriarty, civic staff and her Mayor’s Charity committee which raised funds for the Purfleet Trust and One to One Project.

And she said there was much for the borough and its residents to be proud of.

She said: “With regeneration in King’s Lynn itself so much can now be seen and enjoyed and our rich heritage is celebrated with so many events during the year.

“Outside of Lynn so much is happening and I’ve been especially pleased to promote West Norfolk part of the borough’s name.

“As a result of visiting so many businesses and schools, I feel a great optimism by the way West Norfolk is developing, especially these areas.

“We have young people to be proud of, we see them helping out at major events, the cadets sea, air and police and all the scouting groups.”

She added: “I have learnt so much about what makes a huge varied area tick.

“This is the people who are openhearted and I thank them all for all what they are doing and to say thanks to the many to take the time to share this with me.

“It has allowed me to experience a huge range of activities and interests which I never would have expect to be able to and which I will never forget.

“It is often said taking on this role is a privilege and a honour but the reason it is said so often that it is true. I can only wish Councillors Daubney and Hipperson, the mayor and his deputy, and their consorts enjoy their year as much as we have.”

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