Exciting new attractions heading to King’s Lynn Mart next month
It hardly seems possible but we will soon be welcoming the traditional Mart to King’s Lynn.
All the fun of the fair returns to the Tuesday Market Place on Friday, February 14 with the traditional parade, blessing, fair opening and civic meal in the Duke’s Head.
The showmen and women are set to arrive in town on the evening of Tuesday, February 11 and will spend two days setting up.
Local showman Lawrence “Nipper” Appleton, chairperson of the Eastern Regional Section of the Showmen’s Guild and steward at the Mart, said he is looking forward to the usual warm welcome for the historic Royal Charter Mart.
“There are only six Royal Charter Marts in the country and King’s Lynn is a special one for the Guild. It is something local people look forward to and one we are proud to see open. We hope people will come along with their usual warm welcome,” said Nipper, adding it is important to keep traditions alive.
“We are always excited to come to King’s Lynn Market Place. It is the first fair for us and I’m very proud of Lynn and hope all the people will come to the opening ceremony.”
There has been a Mart in the town for more than 800 years. King John granted the Royal Charter and Valentine’s Day is usually the opening day of the Mart, which marks the start of the season for show families.
Historically, Lynn’s Frederick Savage displayed his latest roundabouts and fairground attractions and, while these rides remain popular, the years have seen a huge advance in white-knuckle rides and attractions.
This year sees the popular dodgem and waltzer cars return to Lynn and the usual array of refreshment stalls and tempting sweet treats.
The High Energy and Tagada rides will also be back along with the Superbooster two-seated thrill ride - reaching 100-feet high.
Nipper is also excited about two new attractions this year, a family Ferris wheel and, for adrenaline-seekers, a newly manufactured twist lifter ride will be making a first appearance. It will take you high into the air as its three arms with four carriages whizz around.
The Mart will also be open on Sunday, February 16 from noon until 8pm following a successful Sunday opening trial last year and the cheaper family day will be Monday, February 17 from noon to 9pm. Other opening times will be noon to 9pm.
As this year’s Mart date clashes with half-term, it means unfortunately, there will be no special dedicated afternoon opening for school children.
Traditionally, the Guild teams-up with Rotarians to open the attractions to hundreds of appreciative youngsters who would normally miss out on the opportunity to enjoy free rides and have some fun. But it will be back next year, Nipper said.
“We were ready to do it but because it’s half-term it would have been a nightmare for schools trying to get children to the market place. Normally they walk from school but logistically getting them from their homes meant it was too difficult but it will be reinstated next year,” he said.
Saturday, February 22 will be the final day closing at 9pm but the attractions head off to neighbouring Wisbech.
Your Local Paper has teamed-up with the Guild to run a competition offering a total of 100 free ride tickets. We are looking for 10 lucky winners to win 10 tickets each. You can enter by completing a coupon in next week’s YLP.