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King’s Lynn Town Hall volunteer fair to showcase opportunities for volunteering roles

A fair will be taking place on Saturday for those interested in becoming a volunteer.

Held at the Town Hall in Lynn and beginning at 10am, the session will explain the benefits of volunteering and opportunities to get involved in to make a difference in the town.

These include being involved with heritage and environment groups such as Hardings Pitts, town guides and learning about the town’s history, helping at the museums, meeting new people and giving something back to the community.

Volunteers working on Harding’s Pits
Volunteers working on Harding’s Pits

The event will start with a welcome from Margaret Wilkinson, West Norfolk mayor, followed by a talk from Dr Paul Richards highlighting the importance of volunteers in managing and opening heritage sites.

Throughout the day a range of local groups will display stalls and give short presentations showcasing their work and setting out how new volunteers can join them.

In the afternoon, Tim Fitzhigham, cultural officer, West Norfolk Council, will outline opportunities for volunteering at the St George’s Guildhall as plans are developed for its restoration.

Volunteers helping with daffodil planting on Harding's Way
Volunteers helping with daffodil planting on Harding's Way

Terry Parish, Leader of West Norfolk Council, will be on hand to make closing remarks.

Alison Gifford, chairman, civic society, said: ”‘As well as contributing to the ongoing success of a range of local organisations that are important for our town, volunteering can be a great way to meet new people and make new friends, learn new skills and utilise your own local knowledge and training.

“You never know what opportunities might arise from offering a bit of your time.”

Red Mount open on Heritage Open Day
Red Mount open on Heritage Open Day

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